We're still a bit old fashioned here, we believe in the people of Johnson City, and know that when it comes to character we consider the people of East Tennessee to be among the HIGHEST of any. Our fundraiser is operated on an honor system, when we call to tell you about our show and what we are doing it for, we trust the folks in the community that tell us they want to help out. We will actually mail you the tickets first, because we know that our goals to make Johnson City a better place are your goals as well. The only thing we will ever ask for is that we can count on your support to return your payment within about a week.

Order By Phone:423-282-1257
Ticket vouchers are $28 dollars each, but we offer special group packages for businesses and large groups.
Levels of Support
$1,500.00 Platinum Sponsor 90 Ticket Vouchers
$1,000.00 Corporate Gold 60Ticket Vouchers
$750.00 Corporate Silver 45 Ticket Vouchers
$500.00 Gold Support 30 Ticket Vouchers
$300.00 Silver Sponsor 20 Ticket Vouchers
$250.00 Bronze Support 15 Ticket Vouchers
$200.00 Copper Support 10 Ticket Vouchers
$150.00 Community Support 8 Ticket Vouchers
(Community and above include a place for your 3' x 5' company banner at the concert)
$100.00 Proud Supporter 6 Ticket Vouchers
Residential Supporters